About Us
Scone Medical Practice is located in the Upper Hunter, the top end of the world's most beautiful wine growing area - the Hunter Valley, New South Wales, Australia. It is a dynamic town and it has become synonymous with horses, definitely the horse capital of Australia.
There are experienced independent General Practitioners who offer a wide range of services at this location. All GP's attending patients at this location possess excellent patient assessment and general practice skills, including emergency care.
The Practice is committed to continuing medical education and is involved with numerous Hunter New England based programs including: Diabetes Program, Immunisation Program, Information Management and Technology Program including Personally Controlled Electronic Health Records (PCEHR), Mental Health Program, Doctors Health Program and Workforce Support for Rural GPs Program. In 2021, Scone Medical Practice has partnered with Tamworth Hospital Interns program to support Junior Doctors in their training and provide rural medicine training opportunities.
Mission Statement
We are supporting the doctors at this location to provide excellent care to their patients and the broader community.
We aim to provide a comprehensive range of services to enable early identification of illness and disability, promote a healthy lifestyle and to liaise with other health care services where appropriate.
We will respect each other and patients as individuals and always act in the interests of the people we care for.